Wednesday 17 June 2009

Nature Management Activities

Can not be denied that planning is key to a successful of activities. The stage - the planning stage are as follows:

1. Ability to select, manage, and use of equipment, supplies and equipment during the trip such as the technical ability to use a map and compass, the ability ber bivouac, make fire, etc.
2. Prime physical ability. Therefore, it is necessary that physical exercise can maintain and improve fitness.
3. Mentally ready to face the challenges and activities dialam weight. Spirit strength can only build of self.
4. The understanding that both of the natural environment that will be faced. Includes how to choose the right time to star the activities adapted to natural conditions and environment.

The factors in the trip planning is as follows:
1. Natural Factors includes the location of the destination, the field will be, the climate in the area of that our goal, and other things related to the environment. To anticipated this is study to make good literature, analysis of the map, collecting information from local government.
2. The case is a factor associated with the travel of personnel, including personnel selection, leader, hierarchy, descripted work and responsibilities of each, and the ability of each participant travel.
3. The factor includes technical factors, non-technical, and semi-technical.

Technical factors:

Directly related to the level of difficulty field. Some of the things including the ability of personnel preparation, scenario and the operating system, system documentation, and related safety issues.

Non-technical factors:

Resources to support operations that are not related to the level of difficulty field. Covers issues of organization and administration to support global operations.

Semi-technical factors:

This factor only in the shipping-shipping large and complex. Directly related to the level of difficulty but the field is non-technical. For example, problems of communication, the base camp team, advance-team, take in & out team, rescue team, and so forth.

Activities will be running well when starting from the beginning of an activity has been planned that are both technical and non technical. A good plan that will divide the activities into a number of phases based on the time available and the scope of work. Delays can occur due to the completion of the stages have to wait and ignorance at work can begin.

Plan of activities can vary depending on the form of activities that will be done. After the work plan is made then the new time schedule can be made for the event. Yag for a trip and we were often too complicated, do not, the planning stages have been automated we do.

By: Aswandi Azhar

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